Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 15, already?!

Where has April gone?! I thought about adding to the blog, thinking April was yet to begin, and boom! it's almost Tax Day.  So sorry.

My plan was to remind everyone that the Baseball Hall of Fame has remarkable cross-curricular activities.  Be sure to revisit them; now's the time, since the first pitch of the 2010 season has already been thrown!  Use their online thematic units ( or explore their online exhibits (  You won't be disappointed!

Of course, April 15 is Tax Day.  And I realize I'm really late providing this information...but if you're still looking for money lessons, has a plethora of resources listed at (for grades K-5), (for grades 6-8), and (for teens).  From the main page (, there is a tab with resources for educators.

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